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National Trainer

Jim Biggs AKA Biggs - 


Biggs is the proud father of two boys: Egan (21) who is playing baseball in college and Connor (18) who is a freshman engineering student. They are both baseball players/fanatics and we are known to have hours long discussions about nothing but baseball. I couldn't be prouder of the young men my sons have become and I will always be happy to brag about them to anyone who asks! They have become my best friends and still call me every day, at least once, from school. The rest of my family is large and very close, with dozens of cousins, nephews and aunts that I see regularly. 


An avid cyclist, I also still play baseball, though I picked up volleyball in college and played for close to 20 years and eventually became a high school coach winning 6 state titles. Living in Missouri I love to be out in the woods camping, hiking, riding a trail or floating on a river. I am an avid Cardinals fan which is convenient as I live two blocks from Busch Stadium in downtown St. Louis (I have a great view of the Arch from my pool). It isn't all sport in my home, I am a regular at the St. Louis Symphony and a member of the Missouri Botanical Garden as well. 


Before coming to Resident I spent 20+ years as a classroom teacher and a technology coordinator. On top of classroom teaching I was also a sustainability manager, helping our school push towards becoming a zero waste facility. Protecting the environment is definitely a passion (I taught Environmental Biology and Sustainability for 3 years). Above all else I value laughter and will always find the way to enjoy whatever I am doing. 

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